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In the past 20 years I, Sytske Casimir, have worked at the intersection of change and leadership and organisational development. When I say leadership I refer to both personal and functional and formal and informal leadership. 


n my work as a coach, consultant and facilitator I have found, as many of us have, that change is one of the most constant elements of our work and life. And typically change starts with us.  


I love language and how it helps us think differently in about the things we do and experience. For me the phrase transforming attention draws us to the invitation to transform organisations through the attention we give to what is, where we want to go and how all that is for those in it. Transforming an organisation is complex and often painful, challenging, exhilarating and joyful all at the same time. It takes attention to acknowledge all those realities for everyone involved. This is why work of transforming organisations asks us to transform our own attention.


Since Change work is always about self and others I prefer to do this work together with Anjet van Linge with whom I have developped much of my practice. 



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About me

As a consultant and coach my expertise is in leadership development that systemically impacts the organisation and in organisational development that grows leaders and leadership teams. Clients say that I co-creates spaces where they can

show up fully, find what they don’t know they know and (re)discover what inspires them. Spaces where people can feel, think and listen to their own voice and the field around them, making meaning of patterns which may so far have been unconscious. Through my way of reframing what has been in front of their eyes all along, clients may notice what they had not paid attention to before. 


For the past 20 years I have worked in and with various organisations (e.g. Shell, ABB, Avans, a healthcare organisation) with senior and middle leaders and their teams.  I help leaders and their teams discover how to best work together and how they can make a significant impact with small, well timed and rightly placed interventions .


Though I sometimes work on my own as a coach, all organisational work is done with colleagues, people who are similar enough to make work effortless and different enough to bring a range of experience and perspectives.


I am also a horsewoman, photographer and poet. I breed Icelandic horses which grow up on the land around me, capturing their movement as a herd in my “herdtography”.

©2023 Transforming Attention. Met trots gemaakt met

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